
Showing posts from April, 2017


'WHILE OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS DIE' When someone takes the life of another, we cry and we pray!!! When a BELIEVER takes the life of another believer, we shake our heads and wonder "How could this happen?" As I listen to the reports of another school shooting where two of the victims are believers and married. As I observe and find that the killer (husband), who ultimately kills himself, in a comment says he is a Pastor. As I constantly hear reports of abusive spouses, including those in ministry, several things come to mind: 1. Were there any signs and if so, did anybody recognize them and attempt to do something about it? 2. Are we so busy "having church" that we are oblivious to the needs of hurting people? 3. Have we become so "PROGRAMMED" that we are unable to see when there is a real problem? 4. Are we so busy trying to make our names great that we forget our obligation to serve others? 5. When will be learn to stop "dressing u...