
Showing posts from May, 2017


Moses did not argue with Korah, Dathan, and Abiram when they rose up against him and questioned his authority as a leader. He didn't argue with them in an attempt to defend himself. He simply let them speak. However, he recognized the spirit behind their stubbornness and rebellion and in response, fell on his face in intercession on their behalf!! It wasn't until AFTER HE PRAYED that he gave them a response. (Numbers 16) Moses' response is a good example of how those in authority should respond to insubordination. Demonstrate humility and try not to become argumentative!!! Take it to the Lord in prayer!! He can handle it better than you can. A genuine leader always wants what's best for others even when others don't want what's best for them.


Whenever I attend a home going service, as I watch the home going of Apostle R.J. Washington,   and as I listen to the words and the message of others regarding the deceased, the first thing I do is take inventory of my own life and ministry. What can I do to improve at what I am already doing? What can I do to FINISH WELL?   As our leadership bootcamp class prepares their group assignment, we discussed the characteristics of a leader who finishes well. One of the characteristics of a leader who FINISHES WELL is that they leave behind one or more ultimate contributions. As I studied the attributes of a leader who finishes well I found what I have always known: a leader leaves a legacy as a model for others to emulate. A leader is a mentor with a desire to see lives changed. According to J. Robert Clinton, a strong leader is one who produces writings to help others in their Christian work and promotes, motivates, and inspires others to live out their God-given destiny!!! ...