It is unethical for a Pastor/leader to plant negative seeds (words) in the mind of an individual about their leader. If that person’s leader is wrong or is in error, it is our job, as brothers and sisters in Christ, to go to that leader, not the member of the congregation, and do what we can to help them get back on track. It is difficult to bring restoration when we have engaged in conversations that bring division. The Bible tells us to RESTORE (Galatians 6:1), not destroy. If we are not going to talk TO them then let’s not talk ABOUT them. God’s Word gives clear guidelines on how to deal with issues in the church. Let’s not neglect to follow His guidelines. I grieve for what I see and I pray that we will choose agape love over hidden agendas. God’s design for the Body of Christ is that we be ONE. Discord and division is a result of a dysfunctional mentality. We, believers, are to have the mind of Christ. “Can we all just get along?” was the question presented on Family and Fri...