Archbishop Michael-Angelo James once said to my husband and I after class one night at Emmanuel’s Bible College, “One day you all are going to be doing this. You’re going to be doing what I’m doing.” Archbishop James is the establisher of Emmanuel’s Bible College where my husband and I were students. As I was preparing to teach hermeneutics, which is the art and science of interpreting Scripture, I was reminded of those words. I am thankful that he shared with me what God revealed to him. I started preparing myself by getting the proper training and credentials. Several years after he spoke these words, Victorious Living Bible Institute became a reality. This is evidence that what God has for you is for you. Even if, at that moment, you can’t see it.. Thank you to my husband for being one of my biggest supporters and encouragers!! Thank you Archbishop Michael-Angelo James for continuing to encourage and inspire me to be a student of the Word. Thank you to Dr. Brenda Wright, Practic...