Your Labor Is Not In Vain
As I looked on the table next to my seat this morning in service, I noticed a letter from a state prison facility. I opened the letter to find that it was written by a inmate, incarcerated for a little more than ten years, who listens to our COMMAND YOUR MORNING broadcast every morning at 5am. He shared his testimony of going from gang banging, robbing, and doing drugs to being fully committed to God. He stated that the radio show has become a part of his morning devotion and that he is LEARNING and LISTENING every day. This is only a brief synopsis of what he shared.
Anytime you are on assignment from the Lord, there will be times of intense warfare. This ministry has been no exception. Warfare creates distractions that cause you to lose focus. In fact, that is only part of the enemies goal. However, receiving testimonies like this and testimonies from so many others means that we are being effective and it will all be worth the fight.
For those who may be tempted to give up when times get hard, DON'T DO IT!!! You may not see the fruit right away, but as long as you are steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, you will see the fruit of your labor.
The bible says that in all we do, do it for the glory of God! Stay FOCUSED and stay FAITHFUL!!! Your labor is not in vain.
To God be the glory for those who partner with me in this ministry, for the support of my husband, The Upper Room Outreach Ministries, those who cover me in prayer and for my leaders who push me and keep me grounded. To God be the glory for our covenant partners because TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MORE!!!
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV
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