
Showing posts from 2020

A Tribute To My Parents

I do not have to watch Lifetime or read a romance novel for a good love story!!! Every day this week I have witnessed the most beautiful love story transpire right before my eyes. I have been given the wonderful privilege of the love story NOT of Romeo and Juliet, Prince William and Kate, Barack and Michelle.....But the love story of JAMES AND ANNETTE!!! My father and mother!!! In marriage there are good days and there are bad days. But many times, in movies, good books and in life, there is a "HAPPILY EVER AFTER". If you quit when times get hard you may never see it. Quitting is easy. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. I am thankful for parents committed to keeping their family together and raising their children the best they knew how. I've seen their bad days. Even now they don't always agree. They have learned to agree to disagree and stay committed. 'COMMITMENT' doesn't mean everything will be perfect. It means the one you are committed to...


THE PROCESS We often complain about the PROCESS when we don’t recognize that it’s IN the process that God is preparing us for something GREATER. The process may be uncomfortable, but trust God. It’s the process that makes a pearl a pearl and a diamond a diamond. 💎 #purifiedbyfire #victorious #drsellersspeaks


Jesus interceded for those who crucified Him when He said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Job interceded for the friends who judged him. It was when he interceded for them that God restored to him double what he lost. Abraham interceded for the sin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah; a place where his nephew, Lot, CHOSE to live. Moses interceded for the people who fought his leadership and wanted to kill him. Because of his intercession, even with their idolatry, God let the people live. God has no desire that any man should perish. His desire is that all come to repentance. He loves us so much that even when we make negative choices, His desire is that we live. Who will stand in the gap for your family, your friends, your neighborhood, your church, your leaders, your city and country? Who will stand in the gap for our children? Are you willing to stand in the gap for your ENEMIES? YOUR VOICE IS NEEDED. Now is the time to take a STAND. Will YOU be the one?...



Lord, Send Revival


We Exalt Your Name - 31 Days of Prayer and Fasting


A Matter of the Heart


Victorious Living Bible Institute Fall Semester 2020


Be Strong Women of Faith

As I sat in church on the other day On the program for Women in White, I prayed then looked for something to say And this is what I began to write: We've come together as women, most dressed in white. I believe my Father is saying, "for me that's quite alright". He touched us with His finger of love; A love that can only come from our Father above. As I look I see such beauty around the room; Light skinned, dark skinned, even men, well groomed. The anointing in this place, you can cut like a knife, Makes you want to give God praise for the rest of your life. To the women who came to this program I'll say, I decree a special blessing upon you this day. Because no greater love has no man than this, That he lay down his life for his brother or sis. Today you ought to declare "VICTORY IS MINE!" We win, he lose, you gonna be just fine. So today I encourage each of you in the Lord! And my prayer is that you won't make this walk with God hard. You...