FATHERLESS NO MORE: I held on to these tears for sixty one years. I was able to relate to so many fatherless sons and daughters in the street, the church, the jail and in the prison. I was bleeding inside; with a band-aid for the hurt and a mask to hide the pain. In my lifetime, I talked to my father on the phone only one time after he left when my mother was pregnant with my younger brother. I was two years old when he left and sixteen years old when he called. I was longing for my father’s love. The one time he did call, all he discussed was how many women he had. I spent years daydreaming; thinking my father was looking for me. I was afraid that when he came back he would find another man dating my mom and that man would get in the way of my family being together again. But I was so wrong. At the age of eighteen, actually on my eighteenth birthday, my father passed away. Because we had no relationship, I did not find out he was deceased until two weeks after his death. We never ...