SPEAK LIFE... Compassion - sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. When there is genuine love and compassion for people, there is no desire to judge them based on their outward behavior. You begin to not only focus on what they do, but you are more concerned about why they do it. COMPASSION is the ability or desire to look beyond the faults of another and minister to their need. My training and experience in addiction counseling taught me to look at the "why" and not the "what". There is a root cause to the outward behavior of people. But so often, we either don't want to or are not adequately trained to deal with the root. That leads us to judge what we don't understand. I learned to put myself in their shoes. I learned not to judge what I don't understand but to seek understanding so that I'm not guilty of being judgmental. I realized that much of the negative behavior from people is stemming from past hurt and low self worth. I had to make a choice. Choose to speak words that brought more hurt or choose words that ministered life and healing. Sometimes, that means choosing to say nothing at all and take them to the Lord in prayer. WORDS have real power. They have the power to build and the power to demolish; the power to bless and the power to curse. How you choose to use your words is up to you. But I have chosen to SPEAK LIFE. - Dr. Sellers Speaks Proverbs 12:6; Proverbs 18:21; Matthew 12:36-37 www.victoriouslbi.org.
