Six years ago today, my husband and I were ordained and installed as pastor and ministering Elder of The Upper Room Outreach Ministries, Inc. by Apostle James H. Brown. Our Pastor, Samuel Sellers, III, is a true visionary; an innovative influencer and encourager. The most humble man I know. Never speaks negatively about others and always looks for the best in everyone. He has been a father figure to so many children whose biological fathers were not there. Multiple entrepreneurs were encouraged to start their own business because of him. Outreach ministry and evangelism is his passion. Quiet yet quick; successful yet selfless; a private man and a praying man. Patient and always productive. He has withstood many test and many trials. He has overcome much but rarely complains. His endurance is a testament to the goodness and faithfulness of God! God is truly a keeper. My husband pushes me and others to go forth in things we may not have done without him. He is my biggest supporter, motivator and encourager. He’s my true confidante. Within the last six years, our church building was paid off, a bible college has been started and several Outreach Ministries, locally and internationally, have been established. All this was possible because God placed a Samuel Sellers in the earth for such a time as this. Today, I salute and honor my husband and pastor for his diligence and obedience. The Lord said to him years ago, “If you build My house, I’ll build yours.” The Lord is a Promise Keeper. He has been good to us and we are determined to KEEP BUILDING. To God be the glory for the things He has done!! It’s all FOR HIS GLORY!! Join us July 18-21 as we honor our pastor with a power packed week of inspiration and empowerment. My husbands favorite scripture comes from Joshua 24:15, “...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” We are Upper Room! WE ARE VICTORIOUS! Happy OFFICIAL pastors anniversary, Samuel Sellers, III!! Your wife Honors and salutes you. www.theupperroomwaycross.com renaesellers.blogspot.com #honoringmypastor #honoringmyhusband #iamablogger #iamvictorious
